Solomon Wood's web server


GTREE is a simple (very simple) yet versatile family tree program. It works on the basis of a binary tree working backwards, i.e. you, your parents, your grandparents. Each person in the tree is called a node, and each node links to two parents. While this is very simple, it allows GTREE, when provided with the proper information, the capability to work out your siblings, children, and all relatives, using the simple tree structure. It uses, by default, an INI-derived format, but it would be very easy to extend it to support a different format, providing the data structure is fairly similar to GTREE's. GTREE does not include a program to convert from GEDCOM, and in itself it is only a viewing tool; it does not write data to your tree. However, such functionality would be almost trivial to implement.

GTREE is written in Python 3, and has only one optional (and non standard-library) requirement, which is used for creating HTML reports based on the ANSI command-line output. More-or-less, it does a job that I could not be bothered to do. If there is enough demand for it, I shall incorporate the module into the main script. It is released under the GNU General Public License, version 2.0. This is indicated at the top of the script's code. At some point I do want to refactor the code; I hope that I shall have that done by the end of the year. A complete refactor and modularisation of the code would be released as 1.50. While the API (if anyone dares to use that; technically it's all private) would not remain the same, it would simply be a rearrangement of the same code (mostly), so existing GTREE files would work without any changes.

UPDATE: I have decided not to modularise GTREE, and instead work on improving the current version.

The latest version of GTREE (1.30) showing a profile from my own family tree.

This website includes a user's guide to GTREE. I shall refrain from releasing a 'developer's' guide until I have finished my planned refactoring of the code; if you are a developer and you want to adapt GTREE, and you have any questions, then please email me at smw@ylur.me .

It is worth noting that I have paused most work on GTREE at the moment, as I am primarily working on ginitd.

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